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The 2022 UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing (Rome, Italy, 16-17 June 2022) concluded the fourth cycle of review and appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) and its Regional Implementation Strategy (RIS).

These proceedings provide a summary of the Conference deliberations, as well as a synthesis of the policy progress made between 2017 and 2022 to advance active and healthy ageing, promote the participation and autonomy of older persons, and reform social protection and long-term care systems in a way that ensures their sustainability and intergenerational fairness. The document also features the 2022 Rome Ministerial Declaration on Ageing, which outlines policy priorities for 2022-2027 in UNECE countries to achieve a sustainable world for all ages.

Please, click here to read the summary.