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IN4AHA is seeking your collaboration for one of the final activities of the IN-4-AHA (Innovation Networks for Active and Healthy Ageing) project.

IN-4-AHA is an European investigation project for the creation of Innovation Networks to improve the scalability of solutions for an Active and Healthy Ageing. The objective is to develop an innovation scale-up model for the large-scale deployment of technological or digital solutions for active and healthy ageing. In search of success, this project brings together both the supply (start-ups, SME’s, clusters, innovation / research groups, etc.) as well as the demand (health institutions, health centers, local governments, user associations, caregivers, etc.) to identify the key elements to improve the implementation of innovative solutions.

One of IN-4-AHA’s main activities is to promote the culture of cross-border impact investing through public and private procurement of health innovation. For this reason, IN-4-AHA is looking for opinions and contributions in order to gather information about Public Procurement for Innovation (PPI) in different countries.

You can access the questionnaire through the link below. Contributions must be sent by December 2nd 2022, 18:00 CET.

For more info, please click here.