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Basics on IPR and the unfair advantage

The business side of the R&D sector is often overlooked, but in the case of a viable research result, there should be a focus on future exploitation and commercialization. By defining the IP rights of a research result, knowledge can be protected from fraud. The IPR can also be a highly effective tool for setting your most valuable asset (IP) apart from competitors’. This webinar will represent a business-oriented approach to the IPR topic.

During the webinar, we will introduce you to the basic categories of registered and unregistered IPs with special regard to the ICT sector. The webinar will also help you to understand and decide why and when to protect or not and whether you are ready to invest in IPR or not.

The patenting process and the ownership of IPs will be introduced and clarified, in order to help you to understand the opportunities and processes to be seized and adopted. On the monetary side of this issue, the basics of IP valuation will also be presented because it is important to check if there is a chance to have a return on investment.

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