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Let’s discover Guided, one of the projects of AAL2business which creates an innovative service for elderly.

 AAL2Business GUIDed project creates a new service for elderly to help them to live, as long as possible, independently at home.

This service provides daily “smart assistance” to elderly in 5 different areas: nutrition and health, home control, city navigation, safety and social communication. All these “smart services” help caregivers to ensure their safety (@home and in the city), their health in general,  their recreation and assistance in their daily activities, increasing at the same time their independency.

Thanks to Lean Start-Up Academy (LSA) GUIDed improved its business plan and developed a competitive market strategy through social media. At the same time GUIDed benefited from the support of AAL2Business mentoring and tutoring: “going back into our first canvas we can see how we benefited from LSA course and the variety of interactions, opportunities and tools it provided to us.  We also benefited from Market Guidance service to clarify our IP management strategy and to find commercial partners. We can stay in contact with AAL2Business for our next steps.