Over the last several years crowdfunding has become an increasingly popular option for both entrepreneurs and investors. Crowdfunding has established itself to be a successful alternative in acquiring or investing money, it adds an emotional component to an investment, creates communities, validates concepts, reduces innovation risk and is a great marketing tool.
The goal of the webinar is to understand how crowdfunding can be used as an alternative form for financing innovation and how it can be complementary to traditional forms of financing.
The webinar will highlight different crowdfunding models and explain which crowdfunding model is most suitable for certain projects or organizations. Further, the webinar will give practical advice which aspects have to be considered to run a successful crowdfunding campaign and how crowdfunding can be used to validate a potential market.
As an outlook we will include the views of investors and public authorities to this innovative form of financing by discussing trends in match funding and strategies for investment portfolio diversification.
Dr. Conny Weber
Conny Weber is Senior Research Analyst at the European Crowdfunding Network (Belgium) and teaching about Financing Innovation at the Danube University Krems (Austria). Her work and research topics are mainly related to innovative business models and alternative financing instruments, enhancing access to finance for entrepreneurs and SMEs. By authoring and co-authoring studies, he provides policy recommendations in the field of crowdfunding to public authorities, such as the Austrian Ministry of Economy or the European Commission by authoring and contributing to different studies. She holds a degree in information science from Saarland University (Germany) and a PhD in business studies from Karl-Franzens University Graz (Austria).
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