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The Go-to-Market Launchpad

10th March 2022


Date: Thursday 10th March 2022
Time: 14:00 CET

Currently looking for investments or commercial partners?
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn how to engage with selected stakeholders.

The Go-to-Market Workshop, the introductory event of the Go-to-Market Launchpad, will start on 10th March 2022 in the framework of AAL2Buiness services, a support action funded by AAL programme.

This workshop is the opening event of the Go-to-Market Launchpad, a 3-month long course dedicated to growth stage AAL funded projects with a mature marketing strategy. Through targeted training and coaching activities, every steps of the Go-to-Market Launchpad aims to help AAL projects to catch the attention of different categories of investors.

Thanks to the Go-To-Market Launchpad participants will learn how to present a business value proposition in a clear and convincing way, being able to explain the potential of their business idea.

The course will involve a maximum of 10 AAL projects. We will consider eligible for the Go-to-Market Launchpad those projects that are in the last phase of their activities or that have already concluded.

AAL projects, which participated in the Lean Startup Academy and progressed at a mature stage, will be considered eligible as well.

The Go-to-Market Launchpad is composed by:

  • Introductory Go-to-Market Workshop: an on-line group session involving all project teams with the aim to introduce the basic concepts of the go-to-market process, learning about investment models and follow up opportunities. The on-line course will be held by the coaches that then will support individually the projects helping AAL projects to catch the attention of different typologies of investors (through pitching, roadshows events or crowdfunding campaign).
  • Individual coaching sessions: after the introductory workshop, each project will benefit from individual on-line coaching sessions for a period of 2 months each. Coaches will make available 8 coaching hours to each beneficiary to better support them in the preparation of their final output depending on the chosen path, such as investment readiness (for pitching event), market analysis and identification of stakeholders (roadshow event), video-presentation production (crowdfunding).
  • Pitching events: projects can meet investors and present their novel solution through a 5-minute pitch to catch their attention and raise funds. We will leverage existing international pitching events. Alternatively, the pitching session will be organized during a sector-focused international event. A pre-pitching event held by the coach will help participants to fine-tune their pitching deck and their presentation through simulated sessions.
  • Crowdfunding campaign: the finalization of a crowdfunding campaign needs specialist knowledge on techniques for the presentation, different typologies of crowdfunding platforms, etc. We will promote the use of crowdfunding as a novel and effective way not only to raise money but also to validate market assumptions posed by the AAL projects and market acceptance of the new technological solutions envisaged. It is very important to have early validation of uses and commercialization concepts in order to get the right directions towards impact and to collect information to gain grip with potential partners.
  • Follow up session: coaches will make available also a last coaching session to support AAL projects in the follow-up activities after a pitching event, a roadshow or the application to a crowdfunding campaign.

Don’t lose this opportunity and share the news with the partners involved in your AAL funded project!

Click below to download the agenda and to register before 3rd March 2022!

For further information, please contact: